Generative AI Applications & Models

Find the generative AI applications and models that matter! Those able to produce major impact for your business and customers within your existing tech ecosystem 

“There are thousands of generative AI applications and models. Only a few are able to achieve meaningful impact in your business within acceptable risk limits.”

Find the Right Solution for Your Specific Use Case with the Minimum Effort 

Not all applications and models produce the same level of outcome quality required for your specific use case. Additionally, a set of risks must be considered to evaluate each solution, from GDPR to cybersecurity to model bias of the underlying models...

Your current tech stack ecosystem also influences the solution choice. Some of your current software providers, incumbents in a software category, have built-in their own AI developments to improve their offering. But is it the best option? Not always.

 AIManager360 does the hard work for you:
- Finding the solution that best match each of your use cases
- Evaluating the business viability and risk of each solution to provide you a reliable viability score
- Selecting the solution with major business and customer impact
- When necessary fine-tunning the solution to achieve your custom quality standards

How to Find the Generative AI Model or Application that Makes the Major Impact on Your Bussines Use Case?

Focus on Outcome Accuracy and Customer Value

ChatGPT and other applications enable you to undertake many tasks more efficiently, within a certain outcome quality level. But is that outcome good enough to produce massive impact? What is the impact of changing your produced content and communication styles your customers already love?

Since beginning of 2023 to build waipify's solutions marketplace we worked in an AI technology under the concept of hyper-customization. That hypercustomization means fine-tuning and creating prompts that have as its main goal to produce outcomes that meet your current contents own standards and desired customer value. Recently chatGPT launched GPTs with the same purpose but only for its own model.

There is a difference between saving a 80% of your teams time and effort and saving a 35% of it with not custom-readiness AI outcomes generation tools. That difference translates into money. AIManager360 helps you achieving maximal accuracy!

Aim for Maximal Team Adoption

There is no impact without team adoption!

It's pointless to have a 2% of team geniuses using generative AI and 98% of the team neglecting its use. That means a really small impact in best-case-scenario.

Success requires consistent, broad, effortless team adoption!

- Create a clear and simple employee generative AI use policy
- Avoid chaos and individualism
- Make the use of generative AI almost seamless within the existing processes with AIManager360
- Use AIManager360 as orchestration tool where all generative AI resides

You can find more information here ADD LINK

Assess and Mitigate Risks. Find Hundreds of Already Evaluated Solutions. Save Time & Effort!

Poor decisions choosing your AI solutions, can drag your company to really damaging loses.

Factors such as GDPR, Hallucination on produced outcomes, bias of AI generation, people and society, environmental impacts, cybersecurity and general Responsible AI (RAI) need to be evaluated in each of the solutions that you implement.

Research and awareness on coming regulations to avoid costly new developments and last minute changes.

AIManager360, does the heavy lifting for you and keeps you updated and on the right track, by evaluating each new solution and providing a score for each solution related to the specific task you aim to solve.

Evaluate the Business Viability of Each Solution Based on Accuracy, Adoption, and Risks

Get in the driver seat with our smart visualizations. Make data driven decisions.

Activate in One Click those Industry Solutions already in Our Marketplace. Make the First Meaningful Impact in Minutes

AIManager360 has a industry focused expertise. That enables us to have a large number of solutions per industry with best-in-class outcomes that can be customized with the minimum development effort or no code.

For those use case where these solutions exists you will start making meaningful impact in minutes. You can start using a good industry version and move to full custom one in a matter of hours or days.

Keep an Updated Inventory of Your Generative Applications and Underlying Models and Where they are Used

Keep full control of your applications and use cases that tackle.
Modify or update once a better solution appears in the market.
Be able to offer transparence to your employees, stakeholders and authorities.

For all that, AIManager360 is the most complete option.

Links to best applications

Go From Strategy to Massive Business Impact in the Shortest Time-to-money with AIManager360!

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